Sticking with it…

Ok so my last post was about me going on a diet, this was just before my all inclusive holiday to Tunisia, which by the way was lovely, however I must confess I perhaps didn’t stick to it as well as I should have done, however I did feel like I had lost something and certainly felt better about myself when I went on holiday, my problem now though is to get back to it, a week of eating and drinking to your hearts content (although I wasn’t a complete pig and was actually quite sensible) and then getting back to the UK having to move out of my university house and back home for the Summer and get all my work prepped for the Summer meant a string of takeaways and mcdonalds all this weekend. I think it’s safe to say my stomach no longer likes me…

However I am going to try and get back into being good with my food, I will be starting my new job(s) for the Summer this week, I look forward to it, but it’s safe to say I am also a bit apprehensive, but it means I will be too busy (hopefully) to be eating lots of rubbish and chocolate- my biggest problem.

My aim this summer: Earn lots of pounds but also lose lots (in the weight sense of course)